
About Us

Training Facility

Boarding Barn

Horse Drawn Carrige



Summer Camp

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Here are some pictures of some of our lesson students and horses!!

We give lessons year round in all disiplines. We have three levels of lessons: begginer, intermidiate, and advanced. We teach natural methods of getting in touch with and bonding with your horse. Also, the fundamentals of riding and horse care. We have great lesson horses and a wonderful staff! Lessons are for all ages with all levels of knowlage. Lessons also may be done on your own horse if staff allows.

Kaitlyn on Patrick.

Your never to young to ride. Patrick is a small, sweet horse we use for lessons. He is easy going, laid back, and bomb proof.

Devin at the horse show in Cleveland

Time to Cowboy Up!!!

Jes and Leo

Jes learning to join up with Leo to bond with him before riding.

Lizzy and Mountain Girl

Taking care of Mountain Girl.

Carrie and Tex

Carrie learning to join up with Tex

Taylor and Lance

Taylor lunging Lance in the round pen.

Haily & Misty

"You are never to old or to young to love horses!"